Forewarned, Forearmed | Company News | Export insurance company «KazakhExport»

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Forewarned, Forearmed

An online seminar for employees of EIC KazakhExport JSC ‘Everything About Vaccination Against Coronavirus Infection’ was arranged by the HR Department of the Company together with Halyk Insurance Company.

For ninety minutes Chief of the Service Department of Assistance Company Medi-Service LLP, candidate of medical sciences in microbiology, master of medicine, practicing pediatric infectious disease specialist Elmira Alibi talked about basic principles of vaccination, existing types of vaccines and algorithms of their action, complications after transferred coronavirus infection, preparation for vaccination procedure and contraindications to it.

Elmira Alibi explained that vaccines against coronavirus infection that are currently being developed worldwide are different in composition - these are either particles of a killed virus or particles of RNA of a virus implanted on carriers, which can be other viruses, for example, adenovirus or a mix of recombinant proteins coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

According to her, when receiving any vaccination, there is likelihood of short-term adverse manifestations - fever, headache, soreness and redness at the injection site, nausea.

Along with that, consequences of the transferred disease in people with poor weak immunity can be much more serious. These are long-term neurological changes, damage to cardiovascular system, chronic fatigue, insomnia, panic attacks that persist for a long time.

- Of course, everyone should make a conscious decision about vaccination. For this, we are ready to provide detailed explanations. It is important to understand the extent of risks from a previous illness and to protect yourself and your loved ones in time, Elmira Bolatovna said during the lecture.

According to her, antibodies must be formed in 70% of the population so that collective immunity to COVID-19 is formed.

At the end of the online meeting, the doctor answered in detail all the questions that her audience had.